Your company in Hong-Kong
Advantages of Setting-up Hong Kong Company
Your company in Hong-Kong can be set up by any physical person (one or more) with no need for a local partner. You will have a physical address for tax purposes provided by SedeenChina at the moment of constitution. The equity capital is HK$10,000 (around EUR 1,000 or USD 1,200, depending on the currency exchange at that moment), but the outlay amounts to only HK$1.

Who is this service for?
- People or companies wishing to diversify their risks by placing part of their capital in a country with a stable economy and multi-currency option.
- Companies who invoice services to different countries and consider the Hong-Kong tax system beneficial.
- Companies who negotiate with China or other Eastern countries and would like to manage payments and collections from a closer distance.

- Taxing: You only pay for the benefits obtained if you engage in business with companies in Hong-Kong, not with third party countries.
- Internationalization: New branch for your company.
- Multinational image.
What is included?
- Company in Hong-Kong.
- Physical address for tax purposes (you also have the option of availing from a real physical address in Hong-Kong or China, as well as a telephone number and answering service)
- USD 2.390 – 2.190€ for the constitution of your branch in Hong-Kong
- Local secretary for legal proposes
- Physical address for tax purposes (including first year)
Hong Kong company + Options
Set up the company
Support for opening a bank account 4.000 €
Physical address for reception of legal documents: included first year
Physical address, reception of documentation and answering service: 90€/month
Invoicing and accounting limit and up to 120 accounting transactions:: 1.990€- USD2.200